Author: admin
Vaccine Bro x Bro Round 3
And if they go even farther and claim to know a science that other scientists don’t want you to know, they’re so full of shit they should be capped and sealed and used to generate electricity from all the methane they’re producing.
Vaccine Bro x Bro: Round 2
Jesus, I don’t know who’s worse: vegans, Crossfitters or the yammering vaccinated. Y’all can’t seem to zip it with your shirtless wods (workouts of the day) and tofu Thanksgivings and braggadocious post. The way you’re flexing it on Facebook, you’d think you’d tapped out Khabib or graduated BUDS summa cum laude. You got a flu…
Vaccine Bro x Bro Round 1
But I want to beat this virus and get our country back to being the high octane, 20 grams of protein per serving, full-throttle, Bernie Sanders regulated, free market, open for business, tax Jeff Bezos back to earth America that I’m not supposed to love but actually do love, genital warts (aka Florida) and all.
Pokes and Jabs: A Vaccine Bro by Bro
I’m heavy with frustration, Brother, and irritation and a bunch of other -ions. At not only my bosses, but you for not seeing what is so crystal clear: Covid-19 is a proven cocksucker that adapts and adapts and will keep adapting until noone fucking knows how long. By then, what?
Who We Are Here at Spat is a repository of writing that can’t seem to find a home elsewhere on the web. Partly because the authors are lazy, partly because the poor morals and blurry politics embodied in most of these pieces don’t make sense to the limited worldview of the wealthy, bored 20somethings who read slush piles for most…
People were shocked by what happened to me. They didn’t believe it could be real. I was studied by doctors, I was on TV, I was even abducted by the government for a short time and put in a underground lab. But I was healed all the same and it was all thanks to the…
Then their two shining souls, both finally free of their earthly pain, linked hands and drifted up out of the prison and into the cosmos as I sat in the plastic prison chair and wept, watching.