Now in Print! <w/feeling>

The debut poetry collection of longtime SPAT Editor Brian Louis Allen Henderson. 80 pages of unsettling verse. Described as “searing” by multiple reviewers, and unavailable in any book stores, this book is exclusive to the SPAT website. We’d offer you instructions on how to order, but we don’t have any way to ship it if you did. Enjoy some samples below. Drink deep!

Life of Brian

a poem in two sonnets.


Who eats chocolate and cheese? has the cutest sneeze?

Shits out rotten eggs? hops on fur legs? The Easter Bunny of course!

Who likes Ambien tacos? Sour Cream Totchos?

A muzzle of oats and flax? Old Horse on the Track!

What do you call a brunch of Rebbeca and Blanche?

DuBois + De Mornay = Eggs Dubornays!

First course first: Hash Hish hash. Afters: Stations of the Cross, floss.

Apertif: An epic poem about loss. Digestif: Your salad, toss’d.

By the glass: Fruit punch from a pitcher of Piss Christ.

Who am I? I am the one who ate. All day long, while figures wait,

snatchIng cigarette stubs from sidewalks, flattened by the passing crowds

52 pickup. Collect them all! no joke! Even Pikachu needs a smoke.

Tobacco twinings stain fingertips yellow, dime sized eyes, lemon rimed.

A dripping nose. The sacrament, every Sunday, milk brine injected ‘tween toes.


Things on which I’ve dined: Scalded pears in cream underwear.

Blue elastic bands. Make room! Here come the priests’ hands!

Drink, he said, the Abbot’s special ale. A sack cloth lunch,

Have you ever tongued a mouthful of dentures? Adventure!

Edvard, Munch. The Scream. His jeans. In Sweden, Eden.

Gave me homeopathic pastilles, rhubarb colored, berry flavored, 22 to a tin.

Alms for the poor, stick out your tongue, Fentanyl, swallow them all.

Scratch a vein like a tonsil, oblongotal. Glottal stop. Lemon Drop.

Fools Young. They Die. Fall in Love. Hepatitis C. Cherry Pie

A Warrant for my life, Great White, Twice Shy. Do not deny me,

your complicity. We all feel pain. We all look at the overpass

like it’s our last. Your brother shot cats, buried the bodies in rubbermaid bins,

to free the bones faster. You’re not the only disaster. Anyway, we’re all one!

Won! By hand and eye. And tongue.

“I blurb everything, but truly, for a debut collection, this white bitch is searing.”



★ ★ ★ ★

Roseanne Gay