Category: Perspective
La La Land was better than Moonlight and other thoughts on Wonder Woman 2
Maybe having Wonder Woman lead a squad of grizzled BIPOC/LGBTQ though still male-presenting mercenaries through the harrowing trenches of WWI to stop a disfigured manufacturer of poison gases is just what little girls need.
Don’t Feed the Cannibals Your Own Flesh
Headlines should read “Warren takes lead by slapping McConnell. Biden falls in polls after giving Megan McCain a titty twister. Buttigieg and Tom Cotton to duel at dawn. Bernie nursing broken hand after punching Nazis in Nevada. Klobuchar stops beating her own staff, instead smacks several members of the Freedom Caucus with a hairbrush.”
Punching Down And Out:
If The Brothers Grimsby were set in America (as maybe The Brothers Elkhart; or The Brothers Ypsilanti— I’m trying to stay in the rustbelt and avoid simple southern stereotypes like The Brothers Lynchburg, Tennesee) Cohen’s character Nobby Butcher and his many fat and drunken mates would very likely have been Trump supporters.