And then he was arrested as a sexual predator.

But first, about me.

I was born with a variety of ailments and told I would never walk again after my body curled up upon itself at age 5. But then my parents found a famed spiritualist online who said he could heal me, that’s just what he did.

Though I know it wasn’t the same for everyone, especially not those people who accused him of all kinds of inappropriate touching, he never actually touched me, Mostly he just sat or laid down next to my bed and prayed. He prayed for me every night, in my house, for hours at a time. Sometimes he would pray silently and sometimes he would pray so loud I couldn’t sleep. Other times he would shout and weep and he would wrestle invisible demons and I would lie in my bed crying and shouting too because it was terrifying. Other times he read me passages from his favorite books, like The Bridges of Madison County, and Ken Follet’s Pillars of Earth, or my favorite, James Michener’s Hawaii. I’ve always wanted to go.

And after three years of him praying for my healing every night, I was able to walk and to dance and have a normal life like a normal child. All because of him.

People were shocked by what happened to me. They didn’t believe it could be real. I was studied by doctors, I was on TV, I was even abducted by the government for a short time and put into a secret underground lab and poked and prodded and probed in all those places the spiritual healer was said to have touched those other kids but never touched me. It wasn’t so bad. They gave me candy.

But then, when I heard the famed spiritual healer was arrested as a sexual predator I was sick. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t eat. I didn’t want to get out of bed for a week. How could it be that this man who had helped me so much hurt those other people? This man thought I loved. This man who healed me, who allowed me to walk?

Ultimately though, it comes down to belief. Even though those people accusing him of being a sexual predator on television seem kind of shifty and strange, I know that I also probably looked shifty and strange to people when I was on TV at seven years old telling my story. And I know just how much it hurt me when I wasn’t believed.

I couldn’t help but feel tainted. Tainted by the touch of a man who didn’t actually touch me, but maybe touched others, I am not sure, though I guess I said I believe he did. Either way, hearing their stories, it crippled me, inside. I couldn’t shake it, no matter how hard I tried. Which is why I ultimately made the decision to physically recripple myself. Even the miracle of what that famed spiritualist did for me couldn’t outweigh the crimes he allegedly perpetrated against his victims. I had to rid my body of his healing touch if I ever truly wanted to be free.

It wasn’t easy. But after a few months of searching online, I was able to make contact with a pair of men in Arkansas who belonged to a private Facebook group called “Right To Wife,” and for less than $300 they agreed to recripple my body by running a heavy duty lawn tractor over my back three times. They also offered to perform a traditional Vulcan neck pinch which if done right paralyzes a person from the neck down, except they couldn’t figure out how to do it.

God it hurt, that tractor running over my body, again and again. It really wasn’t heavy enough for the job it turns out. And being back in the wheelchair was really depressing too, at first, but after awhile, I was just so glad to be rid of the burden of being healed by that man. My spirit was able to dance even if my body absolutely could not.

It didn’t last. In prison, the famed spiritualist, overcome with grief and shame, and still proclaiming his innocence, hung himself with his own pants. Shortly thereafter, the psychic ripples of his soul leaving the earth and re-joining God in heaven instantly healed my body all over again.

I felt so much shame. But don’t worry. Because my arms and legs were working again, I was able to drive back to Arkansas. And though they doubled the price and demanded what they called the “film rights,” I was able to again rid myself of the healing of the famed spiritualist who turned out to be a sexual predator all over again.

I know that what he did for me doesn’t absolve what he allegedly did to those other people, and if they can’t have peace again in their lives then neither should I. The world isn’t fair unless it’s fair for everybody. If I have learned anything it’s this. That’s why I’m sharing my story with you today.

Oh no, it’s happening again. The feeling, in my legs again, it’s coming back!

I can hear the soothing words of his prayer deep in my soul. 

Stop it! I don’t want to be healed by you again, you alleged sexual predator!

Let me spirit remain whole!