I Hid My Devastating Skin Disease Because Of Shame. Here’s Why I’m Speaking Out Now.

I’m not normally very comfortable speaking out, but in this case, I feel I have to. I have to because I would like to invite you to be part of an exclusive once in a lifetime opportunity. 

I know, you’re busy. But let me repeat myself one more time: 

 exclusive once in a lifetime opportunity. 

I thought my skin disease would prevent me from partaking in this opportunity, but it didn’t. And whatever you’re going through, I promise, it won’t be enough to hold you back either. 

Hexagonal stacking storage may not sound like a miracle to the average person, but let me assure you.

It is. 

Why? Because trying to neatly stack multiple brands of square sided storage containers into a cabinet is a nearly impossible task. Add a few round containers in and you have a modern kitchen catastrophe. 

When I was first diagnosed with subcutaneous fungiform parvo-fistulas, food storage containers were the furthest thing from my mind. But after my doctor put me on five different types of steroidal cremes following the removal of the stents to drain the swelling and rot, I had only a limited number of foods I could consume without getting violently ill. 

Unfortunately, not one of these foods were commonly available at your average grocery. I was put on a diet of obscure high fiber, high-nutrient, moderately starchy hypoallergenic tubers, some of which could not be eaten on the same day and all of which needed separate storage containers.

In a manner of two weeks I went from being a woman tending to a network of drainage stents much like a Vermonter tending maple syrup taps to being pretty much a macrobiotic chef whose only client was herself, but whose care and feeding was still a full time job. 

When I was busy swapping out and resanitizing pus tubes I never left the house. Never. Not only was I horrifying to look at but the smell of the newly drained cavities was wretch inducing to anyone within a ten foot radius. Plus, in the summer months I had to worry about flies nesting inside of me. Though some cultures treat subcutaneous fungiform parvo fistulas by allowing maggots to ingest the affected area and eat the diseased flesh, the emergence phase can leave more (and more uncontrollable) scarring than the maple tap method preferred today.

With hexagonal food storage containers, I was able to prep and store all of my nutritious and non triggering foods for a week ahead at a time. And I never had to worry about finding room in the fridge. Hexagonal stacking storage can stack on any side, vertically or horizontally. The unique, patented design mimics ancient honeycomb constructions, one of the strongest lightest and smartest way to build anything! 

I can pack my boiled japanese yams, oka, yacon, beetroot, Hubbard squash, and mashed hazelnut porridge in separate containers and still fit them in an insulated pouch with a freezer pack on the weekends I am allowed to return to work on light duty. If my co-workers were also allowed in the office when I was there, they would see my satisfied smile under the fine mesh covering I wear over my face head and neck. Instead I leave them the card for my container business sideline on their desks along with some trifold promotional brochures. My supervisor tried to discourage this at first, but I read the warning HR gave him in the thread below his apology email to me and now I am happy to share details about this amazing opportunity with every division at work that I am allowed to enter when no one else is there.

I don’t need to hide anymore. Yes I am a woman ravaged by a mysterious and extremely rare skin condition. But I am also a change agent. A disruptor. A socio-entrpreneur.

Email me any time for a free sample. And follow me on Linked In. If you like what I have to offer, and I know you will, let’s link up! We’re stronger together.